Monday, August 30, 2010

Lowered Expectations

Bonjour Amigos.

I went to see Salt last night with very low expectations. The reason for those were that Kara called it disappointing and I was seeing it in Grand Falls-Windsor with the crappy seats that make your ass cheeks go numb and a terrible sound system. The movie was about an 1 hr 40 minutes long, but it felt like 30 minutes. It went by really quickly which would lead me to believe I was entertained, and I think I was, despite there not being any Jolie boob in it. Very entertaining, but also very predictable (SPOILER ALERT) - From the beginning I knew that she was going to be on the good team. How did I know this? Because Lee Schreiber was in the movie and that was a red flag for me that he's gonna end up being the bad guy! Might as well have put Eric Roberts in there in terms of obvious bad guys. But either way, I recommend seeing it. (Then again Lee Schreiber kind of does have a penance for being the obvious bad guy who turns out to be not so bad at all - Wolverine, Scream)


When it comes to customer service, I'm starting to wonder if my expectations, and the expectations of society as a whole have become too high. Let's face it, nobody likes to wait anymore, and with online options and fast pay options available for most things, we really don't have to. But when you're put in situations where you do have to wait, your expectations need to be lowered (cue the Lowered Expectations theme from MAD TV circa 1997). A prime example is my "FAVOURITE" place in GFW, Tim Horton's. After the movie last night, myself and Wavey (inside joke) went to Tim's to go to the drive-through so I could get a tea. However after literally not moving in the line up for 5 minutes because the service was so slow I decided to pull out of the lineup and just leave. The tea wasn't worth the wait for me and I was pretty pissed and impatient with their consistent lack of fast service (not to mention the environmental repercussions of idling my car so long), so pissed actually that I'm sort of refusing to go there anymore unless its necessary (not that they will miss my business or anything, but it's a moral issue). However, when I thought about it, perhaps my expectations are just simply too high. I have to remember, and this is not meant to be an insult, but places like Tim Horton's don't exactly have the shining stars of society working at them. It's usually high school kids, high school dropouts, or old-slow people who are working there, so really what is to be expected besides lazy, stupid and slow customer service? And really what other options do you have? No matter what coffee or fast food joint you go to you are going to have a majority of the employees who:

a) Do not want to be there.
b) Are getting paid shit money to do shit jobs.
c) Are un-educated
d) Have no sense of politeness or awkwardness (possibly due to c))

I know not all people in these positions fit these categories, and some are probably working through school and provide great service because they just have good work ethic, however I'm stereotyping here and for the most part it's not an incorrect stereotype.

So should I lower my expectations when lining up for get my tea or burger? Absolutely. Will I? Doubtful. I'm just so used to the fast paced life at this point that it's hard to revert. I won't ever lose my patience and snap at a customer service rep (because I worked at a call centre, so I know how hard it can be), but businesses sure are going to miss out on my money if it doesn't start getting better!

Few Final Notes:
- Bought a Nintendo DS on Friday, should keep my occupied whilest travelling for work.
- Someone definitely banged into the back of my car. I looked yesterday, thought maybe its a lot of dirt, it was. However when I wiped that away my back bumper is scratched to shit, looks like someone did a mild hit and run on me - good thing its not a lease!
- If you aren't currently signed up for e-bills with Newfoundland Power, make sure you do so. Any new e-bill sign ups between now and mid-September get their names put in to win an ipad. However you can't cancel and then sign up again, you won't be eligible if you do.

Afterlife - Bush

Friday, August 27, 2010

God Damn Killer Whales

After seeing another video of Orca whales killing a Minke Whale, it made me think of a South Park episode. To me it's kind of the like episode where they got the only Chinese guy in town to build a Great Wall around the city, except every time he tried to build the wall Mongolians would come out of nowhere and break it down, making him say "God damn Mongolians, trying to break down my shitty wall" - shitty being how he pronounced city cause he was Asian. It just reminded me of it cause it seems like every time someone films a Minke whale swimming, the Orcas just come out of nowhere like the Mongolians in the episode, so I figure the Minkes are just thinking "God damn killer whales". Gotta find humour in things somehow.

Something else I have learned is that internet radio, like all other forms of radio is so repetitive. The ads annoy me too, but I could just pay for it and avoid those, however I refuse to pay for it because I have been listening to it for quite a while now and they always use the same rotation of songs. It's like I know what's coming next. Stupid radio. I should start my own station and get sued for playing unreleased songs!

I haven't watched Jersey Shore the past two weeks but I did last night, well most of it anyway, but I didn't learn much. I guess two small things I learned from it are:

1)It's ok to have sex with a girl even if your buddy is in the same room as you as long as the lights are off. (I find it so weird that they have no problems having sex with a girl while their friend is in the same room doing the same thing, or sometimes not doing the same thing).

2)If a hot chick brings her "hippo" friend over with her, you can't go for the threesome. You have to extract the hot chick from her friend. The Situation did a magnificent job of this last night, although it was pretty easy since the "hippo" chick just wanted to go to bed (I'm thinking, why the hell are you going over to the Jersey Shore house at 3 am just to go to bed? Why not stay home and go to bed. You know your friend is going over there to hook up, so if you want sleep just stay home. That sounds much better then going on national TV to be called a hippo! Things frustrate me sometimes).

Banana is the best fruit.

Hunger Strike - Temple of the Dog

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Labour Day is Gonna Be "A Time"

Well things turned around for me on the horseshoe front - I think we are going to do the tournament on Labour Day so now I can play. Hopefully people still drink even though there is work the next day. I know a few of us definitely will, but hopefully everyone does to put us back on an even playing field. Although my horseshoe playing has declined. I peaked two years ago when I won the ringer trophy, and now like a homophobe I seem to stay as far away from the pole as possible. Gotta meditate or something to get my mind focused and bring back my game so I can lead my team (whichever team I'm on) to victory this year...although that would mean I have to pay for the name tags again this year, and they are so not cheap.

Because we changed the date of the tournament, I get to participate in the softball playoffs as well. Hopefully I can get off on 9/11 to play the final few round robin games, but its looking very doubtful. Stupid trade shows. F you Springdale! I also have another trade show in Lewisporte the week after. They are so boring to work. Bleh.

I wish I had a scale to make sure I wasn't gaining any weight for this competition. Perhaps I will buy one, but I'm spending money everywhere it seems lately. That break on my insurance is going to waste!

14 days until school starts, 38 days until we land in Tampa though! Here's a preview of what we plan to do:

Sports - 2 baseball games and 1 football game.
Amusement Parks - Disney, Universal, Wet n Wild
Beach - South Beach, possibly jet ski/snorkeling.

That pretty much sums up what we're doing, although we are definitely going to a Zaxby's in Orlando or Tampa so I can get that Birthday Cake Milkshake I see advertised on TV. I think I'm gonna vomit because it's going to be so good! (Definitely going to be disappointed).

Not my place to judge, but the only commentary coming out of the Samantha Goodyear case is that she had some sort of medical condition that nobody knew about which caused her to go missing...I don't buy it! I am fully confident that there is no criminal activity, but the family is trying so hard now to protect their reputation. You know why she was disoriented and dehydrated? It's called a hangover, and it happens after you've been partying for about a week like this chick probably was. Although she is a douche to not let anyone know where she is for a week, probably had to hear at some point that there was a missing persons case for her. Once again a waste of time/effort from the police to have to search for this girl who probably was at a cabin somewhere. So no, I do not believe there was some medical condition involved here, I think its all a sham to protect the girl from ridicule. And that's my last commentary on this.

Broken Hearted - Eighteen Visions

Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to Solitary

-Got back in "the dub" yesterday. Felt like an eternity of a drive because I really didn't want to come back, plus my joints and muscles were all stiff as holy balls from playing over 3 hours of basketball (bump specifically) on Saturday. St. John's was fun, really makes me want to move back, and I think work wise it makes more sense as there is way more for me to do in there, but I guess they do not see it that way at this point.

-On a whim me and Kara went to Backstreet Boys on Saturday night. It lived up to expectation. They played most of their old songs and some new ones, which weren't quite as catchy. They had a really cool entrace where a video of them walking down an alley was playing and they start running towards the camera at the end of it, only to fly out through the screen. Best stage entrance I've ever seen. They did something similar at the end as well, leaving through the screen again.

I wondered who would get Kevin's few lyrics when they came up in the songs...they promoted Howie to new Kevin. I also wondered what went through their minds when they played such a small stadium considering the large venues they used to sell out no problem. Must be kind of depressing, but I guess money, drugs, booze and strippers makes you forget about it pretty quick. I know it works for me when I get down!

-I was out for a drive Friday night in the downtown area, only to see a drunk guy on the side of the road who had obviously just pissed his pants. He seemed none the wiser nor had any shame. Just walking up the road with a huge piss stain on his jeans. It really grossed me out, I hope I don't ever do that when I'm drunk. But I mean how do you do that? If you have to go that bad and you're that drunk you figure you'd just whip it out on the side of the road and go. I think I'd rather an indecent exposure charge then walking around in my own urine until I got home! Maybe he was cold though, who knows?

-My interest is peaked with what happened to this 20 year old chick who was missing. Since she sent a text message to her cousin on Thursday that was "casual" according to the news sounds like she was out on one hell of a binge! But I doubt that's the actual story behind it. I assume she was drugged or something. I dunno it's all really weird, will be interesting to see.
*UPDATE: My initial theory on binge may have been correct. Oh you college kids, what won't you do.

-More road raging. There are a few (many)things that irritate me while driving, But one I hate the most is inconsistent speeds. Drivers are going around 90 km/hr in front of you until you hit a passing lane, when suddenly they decide to do 120 km/hr, only to slow back down after the passing lane is over. I assume every male who does this has a small penis and is trying to compensate for this. Douchebags. It also messes with my ability to use cruise control, we need a divided highway across the province.

-In a huge waste of our tax dollars, the RCMP is now detecting speeders in the air from a helicopter across the Atlantic Provinces. They have yellow markers on the highway and they calculate how fast you're going by the time it takes for you to get from one marker to the next. I assume they radio it in to cops who are on the ground, but this really seems like a giant waste of money and resources. Couldn't these cops be doing something else? You know like stopping armed robberies or finding missing people? What a total waste of money just to catch an extra few people who are speeding. A better investment would be radar guns/cameras and having it done automatically rather than putting a helicopter manned with two officers in the air doing random flyovers. I'm usually all about policing the shit out of things but this is just ridiculous. Boo to you RCMP, boo to you.

Also, car insurance went down to $80 per month from $150...turning 25 isn't all bad I guess!

Don't Forget Me - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Friday, August 20, 2010

Game On!

So myself and Paul Dawe (I was gonna write his middle name, but I can't remember it, but for some reason it seems like it should be Milton) have officially started our weight loss bet. So as a recap, the person who can lose the highest percentage of weight (rounded to two decimal points) when we weigh ourselves on November 30 wins 20 bucks.

Starting weights:
Keith: 182 lbs
Milton: 190 lbs

We're pretty similar in the starting weight so it should make the competition more intense. I was pretty confident after I made the bet that I would lose, cause I mean Paul has a gym bag, which means he must go to the gym, where as me? Not so much. However I went to Kim's to watch Big Brother last night where Paul ate an entire large bag of Salt and Vinegar chips by himself in the span of 1/2 hour, so that gave me a little bit of hope that maybe I can at least make it close. I figure I can get down to 170 or 175 by November, and if not I'm just gonna hit the sauna hardcore before we weigh in. So if I get to 175 I will have lost 3.85% of my weight, and if I can get to 170, 6.59% of my weight. I think 170 is a bit of a stretch but I think 175 is doable. However Florida is going to be bad on me for this.

In other news due to work and softball commitments I'm going to miss the horseshoe tournament this year which really sucks. We really should have had this earlier in the Summer. I feel kind of gypped that one of the regulars for shoes such as myself has to miss out when we delayed it the summer because some of the not so regulars may not have been able to make it. That sucks but that's the way it is.

Home - Goo Goo Dolls

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

On the Hunt

So apparently Killer Whales are making their way around the province taking out Minke whales. These guys ain't fuckin' around.

Lesson Learned

Well I quickly learned my lesson about the importance of buying movie tickets online on cheap movie night. On Tuesdays Empire offers movies or $5.99, a big time reduction from their usual price of $11.50, and apparently people really respond to it. The plan was for me and Erin to go see The Other Guys at 9:30, but when we got there, say around 9ish it was sold out. Not only was that movie sold out but so was:

Eat, Pray, Love
Dinner for Schmucks
The Expendables
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Since I had already seen Despicable Me and Grown Ups that left my options to Salt and Step Up 3D (because Cat's and Dog's 3D had already started).

I do want to see Salt, but I'm going to see that in Grand Falls next weekend, and well I would never be able to drag myself into the theatre to watch Step Up, especially in 3D. I am not the manliest of men, but even I have a line and going to see that movie would be on the other side of the line.

Since we couldn't see the movie and we had run into Kim and Paul there, we ended up having a lot of time to talk about random crap which led to a bet between me and Paul. I stole the idea from Mark and Kara the other night at Swiss Chalet, but basically we're going to have a 3-month weight loss competition. Details are still yet to be worked out. The original plan was whoever lost the biggest percentage of weight would win, but Paul wants to do the biggest percentage of body fat lost...which I don't mind doing, except I don't know how we're supposed to measure that. And since it's only a $20 bet I don't want to pay the money to get it done at the gym. Anyway should be interesting...I predict I will lose.

Me and Kara also volunteered labelling boxes for the Sparkles of Hope bracelets yesterday evening. Always a good time doing things for a good cause.

Monkey Brains - Our Lady Peace

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The New Diss

Sometimes it's hard to tell if someone dislikes you. They might make the occasional comment where you question their intent, but you can't really tell if they are joking or not, or they may blow off plans with you all the time, or you may have found out they were talking behind your back or something. However, while most of these are probably indicators that someone doesn't like you very much, thanks to the Internet we now have a new method which totally confirms someones lack of tolerance for you as a human being:

The Facebook delete.

When you think about the average person's Facebook account, they have anywhere from 100 to probably 1000 friends on it, and realistically they probably only pay attention to 10-25 of those friends' profiles, meaning that they ignore about 95% or more of all their other friends profiles, yet they still keep them there as friends. However there is the occasional person that they might delete totally instead of ignore, and this is a definite sign that this person does not like you. To go through the effort of finding a person's profile and deleting or blocking them, rather then just ignoring it, that shows some true disrespect. It is the new, more modern diss.

So if you're ever wondering if someone still thinks you're at least a half decent person, keep an eye on your friends list. If you dropped for 505 to 504...somebody decided they hate you. If you don't have Facebook, well you just have to look for other signs, but you'll never really know for sure. What a wonderful age we live in eh?

These Are The Days - The Exies

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Been A While

It's been a while since I've had the chance to write on this. I don't have anything important to talk about so just give a recap on whats been going on lately I guess.

Came out to St. John's on Thursday, and around Clarenville an ambulance came behind me so I pulled over for it and ended up behind it. Turns out I'm one of a select few people who actually pullover for an emergency vehicle. It was crazy. Its a two-lane highway and cars on neither side of the road would pull over so the ambulance could get around them. Sure hope someone didn't die because some people were being stupid drivers.

I won $2.00 on Lotto Max...gonna put that on Pro-line and try to get some money, not going to happen. Picking sports winners is so f'n hard.

Friday was Erin's birthday, and her party was that night at West Side Charlies. I was not planning on getting drunk, but the beer was going down really smooth and before I knew it I wasn't in a state to drive anyway so I decided to just keep going with it. I had a good time, despite Erin being TANKED! Tanked to the point of finding it hilarious to poor every drink she could get her hands on over me...however I guess she did have some sort of conscience when she grabbed one and poured it all over her new dress so it kind of evened out. I like that I have a variety of personalities in my friends. It makes hanging out with all of them different which is nice.

Kim got my car for me and brought it to her house, so I decided to crash there in the spare room that night. Apparently Paul had no idea I was coming over until I showed up and said "I'm here for the threesome". I had watched Paranormal activity earlier in the night and the idea of sleeping in a strange place was kind of unsettling, but I got through the night...alive...and there wasn't actually a threesome.

Saturday was Norman's Cove/Long Cove days. Sometimes I think Burns' over hypes it because he is proud of where he came from but this time it definitely lived up to expectation. I paid for it severely this morning when I was hungover as balls, but it was a great night, ran into some people I haven't seen in a while, and when you're drunk that makes it way less awkward!

Today I went to the cinema and saw The Expendables. Great fucking movie! It was exactly what I expected. A lot of pointless action and explosions and over the top violence. I highly recommend it to anyone, and Eric Roberts was fantastic.

Sorry for the lame entry to the people who read this, but I'm still not fully recovered from last night, I'm sure I'll have something to hate on sometime soon!

Dreamland - Our Lady Peace

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Getting Out More

Based on my experiences tonight, I have learned that if I just get out of the house more I will not have any trouble finding things to write about on here, and here is what popped into my head this evening:

Firstly I went to get gas, cause I need to fill up before heading to St. John's on Thursday and the Irving here offers 3 cents off per litre for no reason other than getting more customers. No other gas company does it around here. But that isn't a complaint. My issue is that I was behind a motorcycle, and that motorcycle passed another one coming the opposite way and it reminded me of something I have always hated which is how motorcyclists feel the need to give an obligatory wave to other motorcyclists when they pass by. Really, why is this necessary? Chances are you don't know this person, you will probably never have a conversation with them in your life, so why the wave? I don't wave to everyone who passes by in a 2 door coupe, or a Chevy Cobalt, etc. Just because you're on a motorcycle does not mean you HAVE to wave at each other. ATV operators do the same thing. If I could change this little convention I definitely would. Or at least all of us who drive 4 wheeled vehicles should start waving to each other as well.

My second issue is the frustration poor customer service causes. I am wearing a plain black t-shirt today and I thought, you know what, this looks pretty good on me, but it is kind of faded, I should go to Wal-Mart and buy another one, however for some reason they don't have any 100% cotton t-shirts, they all have at least 5% polyester or spandex, and it just doesn't feel right. I probably should have made another issue about the lack of cotton in the world, but this was just an aside. Since I could not find a shirt I wanted I decided to buy two pairs of pants for playing softball in, only once I got to the register it took me 20 minutes to get out of there. First the items would not scan so the cashier called someone from men's wear 3 times to get a price check...except of course nobody came. So after that I just said, I'll do it. So I leave the register and grabbed two different pairs. I come back, and one of the pairs won't scan because apparently it hasn't been logged into their system yet. So basically they have things on the shelves that aren't registered. For one this is very inconvenient, and secondly that makes shoplifting very easy. So I have to wait for the woman from men's wear to FINALLY show up and figure it out, and eventually I got out of there with two pairs of pants. I wish I was the type of person who complained to get free stuff because I definitely could have walked out of their with at least a $10 gift card!

Thirdly, is the hours of the Grand Falls-Windsor mall. Still in search of my plain black tee I decide to search the rest of the mall. This is approximately 8:00 pm...yet in the whole mall the only other two stores open besides Wal-Mart are Bargain Giant and A Buck or Two, and go figure, the selection of clothes at Bargain Giant isn't exactly eye catching. I should have known the mall was basically closed considering I went to go there to buy a hat at 5:30 on a Saturday this Winter once, and it was already closed...such terrible hours.

Lastly, I went to Tim Hortons (which is always really slow here) and was reminded of how annoying it is when people in the line up are CONSTANTLY looking behind them. I don't know if they're paranoid they are going to get shanked or what, but the counter is in front of you, stop being nosey and trying to figure out who is behind you. What's even worse is when someone in front of you starts having a conversation with someone who is behind you in the line. They are right in your face, just talking to this other person. It is brutal. I don't usually want to punch people, but if I ever did punch someone it would probably be one of these line talkers.

Anyway those are the things that frustrated me tonight. It's good to get them out. What you need to take out of this is that if I ever go to jail for murder know that the victim drives a motorcycle, works in the customer service industry in the Grand Falls-Windsor mall, does a bad job and loves talking to the people behind them in the line even when there is at least a one person buffer zone between them.

Goodnight folks.

Collide by Dishwalla

Monday, August 9, 2010

St. John's Is Not a Hockey Town!

Not having anything to do at work, and my boss being on vacation for 2 weeks, I've been doing a lot of web-surfing lately, which includes news headlines. I got very frustrated this morning when I read on VOCM (again) that St. John's is looking to have a hockey team occupy Mile One (again).

Councillor Dan Breen (I know, I'm also thinking who the hell is that?), says St. John's is a hockey town and he believes the residents will support a hockey franchise. Really? What proof is there of this? They want to bring in another QMJHL team, a team from the same league the debunked Fog Devils played in, and suddenly they think people will support it?

Maybe I am being a little cynical here, because part of the reason the Fog Devils did not work were the economics of the deal, the travel costs, etc. but some of it was definitely a lack of attendance. People complained that they weren't good enough (despite have several NHL drafted prospects), that there is nowhere to park downtown so they don't bother, and some people even boycotted because they had "Devil" as part of their team name. Really a lot of excuses to not go see a hockey game for a so called "hockey town". Whenever I hear that phrase about St. John's, I just cringe. I'm sick of people calling the town that when there is absolutely no proof to support it. St. John's doesn't even have a team in the Newfoundland Senior Hockey League, and nobody attends their Junior League games. It's ridiculous for a "hockey town".

I for one would love to see a team back here however. I would support it whenever possible, because no matter what the cost or the parking obstacles, I enjoy going to see a game of hockey. However, this team would have the same problems as the Fog Devils and it would lose A LOT of money. It'd be great if for once the council of St. John's actually provided a new service for its citizens that didn't have the primary goal of turning a profit, and hell the loses could even be covered by additional revenue if they would actually agree to develop downtown. But that's a different rant.

In conclusion: Would love to see another hockey team in Newfoundland, however it is not going to work because St. John's is not a "hockey town".

Gonna try a new thing, recommending a song to download after each blog:
"Ache" by James Carrington (Smallville introduces me to so many good songs)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Weekend in the Dub

Not being able to go to Stephenville this weekend I decided to save some money and stay in Grand Falls-Windsor, and it has been boring like I thought it would be. I certainly have watched an unhealthy amount of Smallville though...just starting Season 6 as I'm writing this (no I haven't watched all 5 Seasons this weekend).

Friday night I didn't do much so when I got up today I decided to try to do something. I ended up going to the theatre here (which reminds me of Carbonear cinema and its horrendously uncomfortable seats), where I watched "Grown Ups". In my opinion, it is not a good movie. Remember how I mentioned that The Bounty Hunter was good because it had a decent plot to fall back on? Well this was the opposite. This movie just went nowhere. It had a few funny moments, but not moments I really related to. Maybe if I was 40 or had kids I would have been able to relate but at this point, just wasn't able to. Oh well, got me out of the house and I got to experience the theatre here so not a total waste of time.

After the movie I went to get ice cream where across the road was a wedding reception. I saw a Mom go out to her van with three teenagers where she handed out cigarettes to them all and started smoking with them...real classy lady she was. Great role model. Some people are just plain idiots. She is one of them.

Got some free NL Power merch for the Fam too that I'm gonna bring out next weekend.

Have to decide if I want to buy UFC tonight, but $50 is kind of steep.

Attempting to give up eating anything that is deep fried until I go to Florida. I will probably crack soon, but if I manage to make it then I am going to end up going ape shit for some grease as soon as I land in Tampa!

Last but certainly not is Lady's birthday today! She turned 2. I hope she enjoyed her presents. Happy Birthday! If only she could read this...guess I'll have to get her a laptop next year.

Friday, August 6, 2010

What I've Learned From Jersey Shore

I used to think "creeping" was a term used to mean you're freaking a person out. Like if you're acting weird and someone says, "dude, you're really creeping me out". Then the meaning of the word transformed with the launch of Facebook, and suddenly "creeping" meant you were looking at people's profiles without them knowing, getting information on them, etc. which in a way has the same type of freaking people out ability. However the word has transformed again thanks to Jersey Shore. It now means hitting on women/trying to sleep with them. They keep saying how they're always "creeping" on girls and stuff, and it really "creeps" me out cause it sounds like they're just sort of stalking these chicks, and who knows maybe they are, but it seems to work for them! But alas, I've been fortunate enough to witness the evolution of the word "creep". I wonder where it will be by the time I die?

Another thing I learned from last night's episode is that it requires very little training to work in an ice cream store. The manager showed them how to scoop ice cream onto the cone and then they left. No training on cash or the prices, or the opening and closing operations? What is this, The Simple Life? Also I found it quite amusing that the name of the shop owner was Enzo, thereby leaving me to assume he is Italian. Considering only 0.16% of the Miami population speaks Italian, what a coincidence that they managed to find a shop owner who is also a "Guido". Oh Jersey Shore, I still love you so far.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Movie Review: 12 Rounds

My pick this week for mine and Erin's movie thing was 12 Rounds.

If you're a REAL man, you'll enjoy this movie. It is constant action with a lot of pointless carnage. It kept me entertained the whole time, and there wasn't a WHOLE lot of the really far fetched stuff in the movie. So while I am always doubtful when WWE and its employees are involved in movies, this one was actually good. Way better than The Scorpion King.

So if you have a scrotum, go rent 12 Rounds.


So after much deliberation and many sleepless nights, I finally figured out why most of my relationships do not work. I'm simply looking for the wrong type of girl. I need a welfare chick if I'm gonna be truly happy. Here's why:

1) They are always very loving and protective of "their man". If you try to get near a welfare chick's boyfriend, you're just asking for a shit storm. If there is one thing they take pride in, and there probably only is one, it is their man. I gotta say that display of love would be a great feeling to wake up to. I can just picture coming home from (I was gonna say work, but I will have to stop working if I want to make this happen) buying lottery tickets and telling my Welf Girl that my ex girlfriend was there talking to me, and then boom she goes and tries to shank the bitch for stepping in her territory. What an exciting life!

2) Livin' on the dole. Let's face it. I enjoy sleeping, and with both of us living off the government I can sleep in all the time.

3) I assume they are appreciative of finer things. If you give a chick who grew up with money a nice necklace or bracelet, it's not really a big deal, but if you give a chick who lived off Mr. Noodles the same's going to be a happy ending for you, if you catch my drift.

4) From what I can tell, welf chicks are always boning. Once again the not having a job thing probably plays a big factor in this, but based on the number of kids they have popping around they are always having sex...condomless sex. Really, who doesn't want that?

5) And since they have kids who they don't really care about, you have someone to take all your frustrations and failures out on. I'm not talking about just physical abuse, but you can tear into these kids mentally as well, and if they try to fight back their Mom will beat their ass. Why? Cause you don't mess with a Welf chick's man, that's why!

So that's my little spiel on the benefits of dating a chick who requires Government Assistance. Lock down the jewellery box Mom, cause I'm finding one and bringing her home!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Movie Review: The Bounty Hunter

Watched The Bounty Hunter with Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston yesterday, and I must say I enjoyed it. It wasn't a laugh out loud funny movie, but it was highly entertaining. Unlike most romantic comedies it has a decent plot to fall back on for when the comedy is lacking in the movie, plus it had the evil guy from The Mask (Peter Greene - who apparently I share a birthday with, thanks IMDB) in it as the bad guy, so that's always a bonus. Sure he is a terrible actor, but he has that sort of Eric Roberts effect on me where you know he's terrible but you're just happy to see him anyway in almost a comedic type way. Speaking of which, can't wait to find out E Rob's role in The Expendables!

One thing I noticed though is that whenever Gerard Butler eats in a movie, it grosses me out. The way he chews and talks with his mouth full, it seems like it happens in most movies he is in (well at least this one and Law Abiding Citizen), and it's kind of gross. But on the plus side I would still totally do Jennifer Aniston, she still has it from her Rachel days, and anything with Jason Sudekis or most of the other SNL actors in it gets extra points from me, because they can make anything funny (think Kristen Wiig).

So if you haven't seen it, watch The Bounty Hunter. Good time.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Always Trying To Learn

In order to justify my recent decision to watch Jersey Shore Season 2, I have decided to try to learn at least one thing from each episode I watch so that I'm not just voluntarily melting my brain, and since I blog now I figure this is a good place to put what I learn.

Well the first thing I learned, but I should have known this already, is that they are a bunch of douchebags; yet I am oddly jealous of them. They are pretty much living the life, and they do whatever they want, so I figure maybe being a douche is the way to go, but I think I'll hold off on the transformation to complete douche for now.

The second thing I learned:
Grenade = Fat Ugly Chick
Landmine = Skinny Ugly Chick

See I'm already being educated. That is all I have learned from one week of Jersey Shore, can't wait to continue my education on Thursday 11 P.M. Eastern/10 Central.

In other news my Shin Splints (old man legs) have picked the worst possible time to return since I'm supposed to play in a National Qualifier this weekend, but now I can't run and the doctor suggests taking at least 3 weeks rest. I might have to pass on the tournament, but if we do not have enough players then I will be doping on pain killers all weekend and hoping I don't cause more damage. Fun times...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Glory Days

Came to St. John's for the weekend, and like usual tried to make the best of my time in here, and I would consider it a job well done.

Thursday night was George Street Fest for me and Our Lady Peace was playing. Started out with a BBQ at Kim's which was good, then we headed down and got there just in time for OLP. Despite being late we all managed to get into the second row of people for the show. I've never been that close for a concert before I don't think. The only issue I had with it was it was hard to hear Raine's voice, the instruments were over powering it because of our proximity to the speakers. However, great show as always. This marks the 4th time I have seen OLP live and I have never been disappointed, and for only 30 bucks you can't go wrong.

So I figured we'd be going home shortly after OLP, but Erin wanted to stay downtown for a while...I didn't realize a while would be until after 3 a.m. I didn't drink much, but not getting to bed until 4 am (not an OLP reference), was kind of brutal since I had to get up at 8 and had a meeting at 9. But I had fun downtown, made a new friend and well saw pretty much my entire history of ex-girlfriends on the street.

Speaking of which, Friday after I went to Boston Pizza with Erin (had the Buffalo Chicken Sandwich), I went to Yuk Yuks with Kara, Burns, Mark and William and it was a great show. Especially the host for the night, he had me doing my seagull laugh all night. It was fantastic. Not so fantastic however is when I see Angie, who is sitting in the chair right behind me, so when we both turned towards the stage, we were basically sitting next to each other. Hella awkward but I did not let it ruin my good time, which I am proud to say.

Saturday, played some softball, had the pizza party where we shared a lot of old stories about our "Glory days". It's crazy to realize all the things we used to do and how much we used to drink. Makes me miss those days a bit. It's easy to forget you're almost 25 sometimes!

Also saw Dinner for Schmucks today. It was funnier than I was expecting. I have high expectations for Paul Rudd but low for Steve Carell, but it worked out well. One of two sentimental moments, but other than that a decent comedy. I would recommend seeing it, and well obviously my taste in movies is great. Anyone who has seen my collection of DVD's might disagree with that though.

Anyway that was a summary of my weekend. Back to GFW tomorrow. I'll miss hanging out with my peeps, even my often annoying best friend, but I will be back in two weekends so hopefully that weekend will be just as good.

Gone to watch the rest of this UFC card, take care.