Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Movie Review: The Bounty Hunter

Watched The Bounty Hunter with Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston yesterday, and I must say I enjoyed it. It wasn't a laugh out loud funny movie, but it was highly entertaining. Unlike most romantic comedies it has a decent plot to fall back on for when the comedy is lacking in the movie, plus it had the evil guy from The Mask (Peter Greene - who apparently I share a birthday with, thanks IMDB) in it as the bad guy, so that's always a bonus. Sure he is a terrible actor, but he has that sort of Eric Roberts effect on me where you know he's terrible but you're just happy to see him anyway in almost a comedic type way. Speaking of which, can't wait to find out E Rob's role in The Expendables!

One thing I noticed though is that whenever Gerard Butler eats in a movie, it grosses me out. The way he chews and talks with his mouth full, it seems like it happens in most movies he is in (well at least this one and Law Abiding Citizen), and it's kind of gross. But on the plus side I would still totally do Jennifer Aniston, she still has it from her Rachel days, and anything with Jason Sudekis or most of the other SNL actors in it gets extra points from me, because they can make anything funny (think Kristen Wiig).

So if you haven't seen it, watch The Bounty Hunter. Good time.

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