Thursday, September 2, 2010


I am glad I got to use that title. It stems from an article I read on that had the headlines:

"Irishtown man arrested 3 times in 5 days"

I was thinking, how is that possible? Then I kept reading to realize how ridiculous the justice system is at times. To summarize the article, a man went to jail because he assaulted an 80 year old man. He appeared in court the next day and was released under condition that he "keep the peace". The very next day, he gets his ass hauled back to jail for uttering threats to someone. So he has now committed two crimes AND violated the conditions of his release, and what does the judge do? He sets him free again the next day! And keeping with the pattern guess what happened? He ended up back in jail for violating the conditions of his release AGAIN! What was this judge thinking? You already gave him the chance to behave and he obviously couldn't do it, and you let him back on the streets with yet another chance? Not only did he threaten people before, but he had a prior assault charge which means he is well capable of acting on his violent threats!

It's hard to believe that we could have judges on the bench who lack common sense. The guy is now in the "Pen" in St. John's, because 3 strikes and you're out apparently...except when it comes to crime you should start with an 0-2 count. The penal system is sometimes insane. At least I ended up with something to blog about today.

Stars and Boulevards - Augustana

P.S. You should start following me so I seem cool - it's at the top of the page.

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