Friday, July 29, 2011

Another Not Fit for TV Commercial

Remember how awhile ago I blogged about an Axe commercial that wasn't suitable for TV and how it was a good use of advertising through social media...well Skittles apparently went one further. I'm not even actually convinced this is was really done by Skittles because it is so over the top. Check it out:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Just Put on a Shirt

So its no secret that the Summer so far in Newfoundland has been less than Summery. We have only had a scattered few days where the temperature was above 20C which makes outdoor activities less fun to do. However in one area this piss poor weather is actually a blessing in disguise.

It never fails that every summer when the sun comes out and the temperature starts rising that you see shirtless douchebags walking or jogging around the streets, no matter where you go. With seasonally low temperatures however there seems to be less of this happening which is always a good thing.

People just need to learn to have decency. Just because you're warm doesn't give you the right to go around without a shirt on. Most of us do not want to see it, whether you're in shape or not. Are you really going to be that much cooler with the sun beaming straight down onto your skin as opposed to if you were wearing a light colored t-shirt or sleeveless shirt? Chances are you're not and you're just doing it because you think you're hot shit when you're shirtless or you want to prove that you're comfortable with your body. And if its for the second reason, chances are most other people are not comfortable with your body so you should keep your shirt on!

A prime example of the ultimate shirtless douchebaggery happened during Salmonfest weekend. I wasn't at the concert, and I can only imagine how many topless dudes there were, but the incident I want to refer to happened at a gas bar in Clarenville. I was waiting in line to get a bottle of drink when some tool walks into a public store without a shirt on! Like what the hell? I don't know why this guy thought he could walk into an enclosed area that serves and prepares food without a shirt but it was totally uncalled for. That guy should be pinned down and tattooed with the word "DOUCHE" written on his chest. In fact most people that walk around the roads shirtless should have the same punishment and maybe it will deter them from taking their shirts off next time. There are only a few public places where it's acceptable to go shirtless in my opinion. Beaches and swimming areas qualify as these types of areas, but as far as your trip to or from the beach, shirt should be required!, or else face the punishment of "DOUCHE"!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Finger Nail Clippers

Someone should put a silencer on those things

It's a problem faced in offices everywhere. It's not one a lot of people like to talk about, but its there...almost every day, and it needs to stop. I'm talking about people who clip their finger nails while at work!

How many times have I been working at my desk only to hear the faint clicking noise of someone cutting their fingernails in a nearby office space? A lot is the answer, and it's very irritating. It happened yesterday afternoon as a matter of fact. And I simply ask, why can't this activity wait until you get home?

I know people should feel comfortable at work, but it's still work, not your home. Just because you have an office or a desk to work at doesn't mean its yours. You wouldn't sit in that office or behind the desk with no pants on would you? So why do you think its ok to do other activities that normally should be done at home while at work? There is nothing worse then sitting down at a desk with someone and finding a stray finger nail clipping there. It's just disgusting.

So I say we ban nail clippers from the office environment and try to get rid of this problem once and for all! And if anyone clips their toenails at work, it should be grounds for immediate dismissal!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Memorials on the Highway

This keeps popping into my head when I drive across the province, but I keep forgetting to put it into a blog, and it could be a bit of a touchy subject in a way, but screw it I haven't written anything in 12 days so might as well get a post in.

I think that memorials to people on the side of the highway should be banned. I think they are distracting and as a result are potentially dangerous. Along the TCH you can find headstones, creepy white bicycles and various other monuments that are there to act as memorials to people who lost their life in those spots through some sort of accident. The concept of that is all well and good. If it helps bring peace to people who have lost a love one then great, and if it acts to serve as a reminder to all of us other drivers that tragedy can occur at anytime then also great, but the moment it becomes a distraction, it can cause another tragedy to occur.

About a year ago I was on the Outer Ring Road heading west when randomly this white object on the side of the road comes appears in the corner of my eye, I slammed on my breaks not having a clue what it was, but instinct was to slam on the breaks when I saw an unfamiliar object on the side of the road. This was at night so it wasn't noticeable from a distance, but turns out it was a bicycle chained to the guardrail painted white as a monument to someone who had been hit by a car while riding their bike. When I slammed on my breaks a number of things could have happened. I could have been rear ended for example or worse if it was raining I could have hydroplaned and ended up with a memorial to me at the very same spot. For me, as a person who drives a lot, I don't pay any attention to these monuments anymore, well not as much as I used to, but to a person unfamiliar with them, it might be enough of a distraction that they do not see the moose rapidly coming up from the bank on the side of the road in time to avoid hitting it. Honouring and remembering one tragedy is just not worth the risk of causing another.

So yes I understand why people put them there, I really do, but in my opinion they have to go. All of them. They've just got too much potential for something bad to happen.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Seriously Satellite Radio...

One of my Christmas gifts last year was a satellite radio. It came with the radio, the car hook-up and a docking station for at home, and I was pretty excited about this. The reason I was excited was because in Newfoundland we have a piss-poor selection of radio stations and they tend to cut in and out in certain parts of the province so this seemed like a wonderful gift to have...until I started to use it.

You cannot get constant reception in Newfoundland on this radio. When you're driving across the highway it is not too bad, but when you get to an actual community the reception sucks. In St. John's/Mount Pearl it always cuts out in certain areas, even when you aren't next to any high buildings or anything and its even worse in Grand Falls-Windsor. It pretty much never works here, which made my docking station completely useless as well. When I attempt to use that I don't get any signal at all.

I do get some use out of the internet channel when at work, but that alone cannot justify the money I spent to subscribe to this radio for a 2 year term. When that 2 year term is up, so will be my time using satellite radio. It's a shame that in a place that really needs satellite radio that it completely blows, but that's just how it is.

So if any of you don't have a satellite radio and you're thinking about getting one, don't. Unless you're planning to move to the mainland. Seriously satellite're terrible!