Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Finger Nail Clippers

Someone should put a silencer on those things

It's a problem faced in offices everywhere. It's not one a lot of people like to talk about, but its there...almost every day, and it needs to stop. I'm talking about people who clip their finger nails while at work!

How many times have I been working at my desk only to hear the faint clicking noise of someone cutting their fingernails in a nearby office space? A lot is the answer, and it's very irritating. It happened yesterday afternoon as a matter of fact. And I simply ask, why can't this activity wait until you get home?

I know people should feel comfortable at work, but it's still work, not your home. Just because you have an office or a desk to work at doesn't mean its yours. You wouldn't sit in that office or behind the desk with no pants on would you? So why do you think its ok to do other activities that normally should be done at home while at work? There is nothing worse then sitting down at a desk with someone and finding a stray finger nail clipping there. It's just disgusting.

So I say we ban nail clippers from the office environment and try to get rid of this problem once and for all! And if anyone clips their toenails at work, it should be grounds for immediate dismissal!

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