Thursday, July 28, 2011

Just Put on a Shirt

So its no secret that the Summer so far in Newfoundland has been less than Summery. We have only had a scattered few days where the temperature was above 20C which makes outdoor activities less fun to do. However in one area this piss poor weather is actually a blessing in disguise.

It never fails that every summer when the sun comes out and the temperature starts rising that you see shirtless douchebags walking or jogging around the streets, no matter where you go. With seasonally low temperatures however there seems to be less of this happening which is always a good thing.

People just need to learn to have decency. Just because you're warm doesn't give you the right to go around without a shirt on. Most of us do not want to see it, whether you're in shape or not. Are you really going to be that much cooler with the sun beaming straight down onto your skin as opposed to if you were wearing a light colored t-shirt or sleeveless shirt? Chances are you're not and you're just doing it because you think you're hot shit when you're shirtless or you want to prove that you're comfortable with your body. And if its for the second reason, chances are most other people are not comfortable with your body so you should keep your shirt on!

A prime example of the ultimate shirtless douchebaggery happened during Salmonfest weekend. I wasn't at the concert, and I can only imagine how many topless dudes there were, but the incident I want to refer to happened at a gas bar in Clarenville. I was waiting in line to get a bottle of drink when some tool walks into a public store without a shirt on! Like what the hell? I don't know why this guy thought he could walk into an enclosed area that serves and prepares food without a shirt but it was totally uncalled for. That guy should be pinned down and tattooed with the word "DOUCHE" written on his chest. In fact most people that walk around the roads shirtless should have the same punishment and maybe it will deter them from taking their shirts off next time. There are only a few public places where it's acceptable to go shirtless in my opinion. Beaches and swimming areas qualify as these types of areas, but as far as your trip to or from the beach, shirt should be required!, or else face the punishment of "DOUCHE"!


  1. Well I go for shirtless jogs for two reasons
    1) to avoid the ever embarrassing farmers tan
    2) when I get warm I can just pour water all over me not having to get my shirt wet

  2. Paul,
    This Blog is clearly about you. I don't think you're a douche.
