Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bibles and Skirts

As part of the East/West/North Expo on West St, they had a "gospel day" on Sunday. Outside church service at 10, which I was able to miss, but then a series of gospel performers happening in the field directly in front of the Newfoundland Power tent, and aside from super repetitive lyrics and pretentiousness, a theme I noticed in the performers were hot young chicks. [Disclaimer: Hot young chicks = 18 or above]

Now mind you these chicks have been drinking the blood and tasting the body because they were LOVING on J-C. In between songs praising his name and almost coming to tears while doing it. So while they are not the type of hot chicks someone like me would be able to function well with, I was kind of envious of how they had that much passion for something, even if it was something I find kind or far fetched, but I just tend to be so unenthusiastic about most things in life that I find it interesting.

The other thing that surprised me was the relevance of religion in young people's lives. Growing up nobody ever wanted to go to church, however I was only surrounded by people of United, Catholic and Anglican denomination. Since I've moved to Central I have noticed that Church is such an important part of these people's lives, and the difference is in the denomination. Salvation Army and Pentecostal are the predominant faiths in Central/Western Newfoundland, and they just do such a better job of getting the youth involved.

In summary, while I get uncomfortable around preachy people and the whole religion thing isn't exactly up my alley, I respect people who have strong beliefs, as long as they don't try to convert or push it on me. I guess it was just strange to see something be so popular that I thought had lost its relevance in young people ages ago. Guess it's all about your environment.

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