Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Book Of...Jesus??(MOVIE SPOILER)

I rented a movie tonight as part of a thing me and Erin are doing. Alternating movie selections and both watching them. Seems like something straight out of Dawson's Creek but then again, nothing about Dawson's Creek was uncool!

My first pick was "The Book of Eli"

Anyway I was disappointed to discover early on in the movie that The Book of Eli was actually just a Bible. I guess it's good to see that Christianity isn't gone totally out of style, but thinking that the Bible would be the most coveted book in a post-apocaltpyic world is too much. I mean really, someone would be after the Kama Sutra you'd think. So that was a little disappointed since I was expecting it to be some sort of book filled with crazy secrets, but nope just the Bible. The King James Version of the Bible too!

However I was pleased when at the end and the bad guy had finally got the book that it was written in Brail. I really didn't expect Eli to be blind considering how much ass the man kicked! So that and the fact that Mila Kunis is smoking hot made it a watchable movie, but I wouldn't rush out and buy it. Next up "Chloe".

And yes, I'm going to blog on more than movies, maybe even some important stuff...maybe.

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