Friday, July 23, 2010

Cougs and Lasers

So I am out in Corner Brook until Tuesday, maybe Wednesday, and usually after I get off work I don't go much. Hang out in the hotel room, maybe go for a hike or something, but tonight I decided to change it up.

I'm working the East-West-North Expo and as part of that they have a laser show, so I decided to check it was awesome. I have some video of it and it was pretty cool, I might go see it again tomorrow night because it was that epic. I also got to see Sherman Downey and the Ambiguous Case. One of my friends had told me good things about them and she didn't lie. I am always skeptical about any band that incorporates a banjo or an accordion, but they sounded really good and I would recommend them to anyone...well anyone that I liked.

So after the laser show I decided to hit up the Crown and Moose Pub (also if you ever eat there, get the Chicken Parmesan). Not knowing anyone there, I just go to the bar and have a seat and a few beer, figuring I'll talk to whoever is next to me. However in this case it proves to be a super loaded 60 year old who keeps hitting on me, but asking me the same questions because she is too drunk to remember what she asked. I told her 4 times I lived in Grand Falls and she kept asking "so where do you live here?" If she only looked 50 instead of 60, I totally would have hit it, but as it is I'm spending the night alone. Oh well tomorrow is "Shed Party" night, so I'm probably gonna be having a time. Someone needs to come with me some weekend when I'm working out this way! Free hotel, and you get to watch me eat free meals!

So in summary:
60 year old coug = good for a laugh, but not much else
Lasers = Amazing

'Nuff said.

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