I read somewhere a few days ago that people are predicting the Apocalypse and the second coming of Jesus on May 21, 2011. Not sure where this date comes from, but let's just assume that it is going to happen.
When it does, apparently Jesus is going to save all the true believers. I think this means he is going to have them killed, but that they will have an eternal place in Heaven where the going is good apparently. Everyone else will be left to suffer and be tortured for six months before we are eventually wiped out, by the Horseman I assume. They're like the hired goons of Heaven from what I can tell.
Yeah, They Look Pretty Bad Ass |
As someone who is not a strong believer in religion I should probably be worried, but here are two reasons why I'm not.
1) Other religions - I may not be a practicing Christian, but fortunately I was baptized one! There are 7 billion people on the planet and a majority of them are not Christians. Sikhs, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, etc. make up a vast majority of the World's population, so before Jesus comes to get us non practicing Christians he was to deal with all these other people first - so that buys me enough time to repent my sins I figure. And well we all know what the Jews did to the poor guy, so he's probably going to want to spend a bit of extra time on them, cause really who ACTUALLY forgives someone for crucifying them?
2) Technology - I'm sure the Horsemen are pretty bad ass. I mean the wrestling group named after them were pretty cool (minus the Mongo days), so the real deal can probably whoop a lot of ass, however Jesus and God couldn't have possibly predicted the boom in technology we've seen over the past 2000+ years, so are they really prepared to take on a war against earth? Even if these Horsemen are Superman-like, I'm sure one of our wicked ass military scientists will come up with something to take them out. And let's face it, wars have been started over much less than a Saviour coming to wipe us out cause we've all been douches, so they're gonna have a bit of a fight on their hands.
Another thing is, if this is true, Jesus sounds an awful lot like a dictator who uses fear mongering to get us to love/worship him. Shouldn't the fact that the dude walked on water, turned water into wine and performed miracles all over the place be enough for us to love the guy? If it isn't, you might wanna give up JC, but getting people to worship you through fear and torture seems very Un-Christian to me...just saying!
So if the Apocalypse is coming, here's to hoping Jesus doesn't read my blog!
Secrets - OneRepublic
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