For some reason the other day the topic of prostitution came up in one of my conversations, and after thinking about it, every man who has ever had sex has paid for it. Perhaps not in the traditional way where you hand over cash to a woman in return for sex, but in most instances you are always spending money on the path to sleeping with a woman.
Between gifts, buying dinners, gas money, flowers, drinks, etc., a guy always pays out money in order to sleep with a woman. I don't think there has ever been an instance where a guy didn't have to spend ANY money on a girl before sleeping with her. Even those random downtown hookups, chances are you're paying for a drink or two that night or you are paying for the cab ride home, or maybe breakfast the next morning if you wake up feeling guilty. And it's no difference whether you've known the girl for 2 hours or 2 years, you're still ultimately dishing out money in order to "get it in". The only difference is you enjoy spending time with the person afterwards, but that doesn't mean it costs you any less.
Women are expensive and men are willing to pay the price. Maybe prostitution should be legal after all, cause hell we're all sort of doing it anyway but we just like to call it something else so it doesn't seem as bad.
Mo' Money, Mo' Problems - Notorious B.I.G feat. Puff Daddy & Mase
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