Thursday, January 13, 2011

Commitment Breakers!

I don't want to cite any specific examples, but don't you just hate it when people are constantly breaking commitments at the last minute, or they always talk about how they wanna do something, but then they never do it?

If only Seinfeld was still around to do an episode on the commitment breaker!

It could be because I'm a proponent of being honest, even if that honesty is brutal to hear, but if you don't want to do something, or don't want to hang out with someone, just say so, so that person can stop asking. The worst is the person who says they are gonna do something, so then you go ahead and make plans and pass other opportunities by and then boom the person writes you and is like, "can't make it".

Another bad one is the lame excuser. "Oh I can't do something because I'm waiting on a phone call tonight". a) Who calls people anymore? b) Don't you have a mobile phone. The key word being mobile. You can take calls anywhere you can get cell phone range...which is pretty much everywhere. Other bad excuses include "I'm tired", "I'm sick....again", "there is a good show on TV"...(any you can think of, please add to the comments section).

So to the world I beg of you. Just be honest. If you don't wanna do something just say so, because people see through excuses, so stop being a douche!

Once again, this really isn't cited at anyone specifically, its just a random observation.

Asshole - Dennis Leary

1 comment:

  1. Republic of Doyle. That is all.

    For the record, I really do have to study all the time.

    Also, is that your Cranium game in my dining room?
