With the toppling of the government this week it means we are going to be facing another election in May. I'm not here to tell you who to vote for, but politics in itself is kind of ridiculous when you think about it.
The decisions made by are politicians have a tremendous impact on all of our lives from what kind of education we get, the quality of health care we receive and even what we're legally allowed to do, yet when election time comes around, these things get toyed with.
For example, if you look at the Conservative's proposed budget for this year, it was very political. Offering a little something for everyone, but not enough to make the other parties happy. Why was this done? Because the Conservatives are currently ranking 43% in the polls which means they have a good shot at a majority. Any undecided voters can easily be swayed now by reference to the proposed budget. For example they put something in for seniors, corporate tax cuts and something for home renovations just to name a few. They cover off a lot of areas and can draw on these things from the budget during the campaign and say they are trying to help various groups and the budget is the proof.
The problem I see in that is that something as important as a budget should not be used as a political tool. They were pretty confident it was not going to pass so they were able to manipulate it so that it looked at least a little bit good to everyone, however if the budget had actually passed, then what? It just really irks me to see people playing politics with something so important, but unfortunately it happens all the time. And it's not just Stephen Harper, every politician in his position would have done it as well.
But since there is going to be election what do I think is gonna happen? Based on very little research, mostly what I remember from voting trends I learned way back, I think the seats will break down like this:
Conservative: 153
Liberal: 74
Bloc: 51
NDP: 28
Independent: 2
That would mean just shy of a majority government for the Conservatives, but would mean if they could sway the 2 independents I'm predicting to be in there then they could form a majority. And an offer for a nice cabinet position can be a good sway tactic!
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