Let me start by coming out and saying, yes, I am a wrestling fan. I'll admit it. Not as much of a fan as I used to be as a teenager when myself and two un-named people delved deep into the world of fantasy wrestling, but I still watch the occasional program and I realized a "PG" rating does not work for professional wrestling anymore.
The reason it worked back in the 80's was due to all the outlandish and colorful characters such as Hulk Hogan, "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Jake "the Snake" Roberts. You also had clear lines between the good guys and the bad guys. You knew that the Ultimate Warrior was good and would ultimately triumph over the evil "Ravishing" Rick Rude and his dirty tactics. It was these things that attracted a young audience, however they no longer exist. The supposed bad guys became well liked by fans and things totally changed.
The Internet has made everyone aware of how scripted wrestling is and as a result the characters were transformed to more believable and "real-life like" so people could relate to them. 10 year olds however cannot relate to grown men so trying to tailor the product to that age group doesn't work, so why keep trying? Let's not forget that the peak of wrestling popularity came with an influx of beer drinking, boob showing and blood fests, so why not go back to that and make the product better suited to an older audience? Cause let's face it, the world loves cleavage and curse words!
Changes - 3 Doors Down
Changes - 3 Doors Down
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