All the natural disasters in the last couple of years really got me thinking about the impact we are having on the environment, and that perhaps we are becoming the cause of them. The earth operates in equilibirum, so when you start removing things from it naturally things are going to start going awry. Think about all the barrels of oil we are pumping out of the earth each day, or the amount of trees that are being cut down, or the change in climate due to a depletion of the ozone layer. These things take the Earth out of equilibrium and the result is probably what we are seeing lately with all these disasters (earthquakes, flash fires, hurricanes, tornoados, etc) happening.
So how do we stop it? We don't necessarily take these things from the Earth out of greed, we take them because they have become essential to the way that we live life - and I don't picture us regressing in terms of our technology of the things we depend on. So the only answer may be to attempt to control the population so things don't get further out of hand. There are now over 7 billion people on earth and with people living longer than ever, perhaps it is time to do something as radical as restricting the amount of offspring people can have, to say 2 per family. Maybe you could use it like a carbon tax and people could sell off their unused offspring tickets to other people who want more kids, but it may be something that needs to be looked into not too far into the future because the Earth is not going to be able to keep up with what we're doing to it. This planet has never had a species advanced as homo sapiens in its history, and we are certainly using it unlike any other species ever has. This of course may all be futile though is the things we're taking such as oil which is a non-renewable resource are what's causing the planet to rebel.
Then again the opposite side of the argument could be that maybe we're in the process of an extinction period where the Earth gets wiped clean and things get rebuilt like has happened several times, in which case people should start producing more so that the human race can survive it and keep going. But chances are I'm wrong on both accounts.
These are the things that keep me up at night and busy at work.
Do You Feel The Same - silverchair
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