Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Did You Really Think You Could Get Away With It?

In light of the recent arrest of the Corner Brook Gynecologist for uttering threats and being racist on a voice mail to Dr. Ganguly, I figured I would rant about how dumb this guy is.

Think about how hard it is to become a doctor. You have to toil in your undergrad, kick ass on the MCAT and smoke the interview just to get accepted into the school and even then there are no guarantees. If you do manage to get accepted, then the next 5-10 years of your life are pretty much consumed with text books and cadavers, and despite this you still think its a good idea to risk all of that hard work to send a death threat to someone? Perhaps he was dumb or drunk enough to think that he would get away with it, but did he really think that the police wouldn't check the phone logs with Bell Aliant and be able to trace it back to him? DUMBASS.

Finally, the guy uttered DEATH THREATS and RACIST comments, and guess what his name just happens to be....ADOLF Hamann! That's right, a guy with the name Adolf is doing nazi-esque things...that really doesn't help your cause. Plus the guy is 53, meaning he was born well after World War II, why did his parents name him Adolf? That is some harsh punishment no matter where you are growing up, and speaking of harsh punishment I hope the guy gets some for his Hitlerish acts. At the very least he should be stripped of his medical license because I wouldn't want this obviously unstable dude around anyone's vagina anymore!

Found Out About You - Gin Blossoms

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