Monday, August 30, 2010

Lowered Expectations

Bonjour Amigos.

I went to see Salt last night with very low expectations. The reason for those were that Kara called it disappointing and I was seeing it in Grand Falls-Windsor with the crappy seats that make your ass cheeks go numb and a terrible sound system. The movie was about an 1 hr 40 minutes long, but it felt like 30 minutes. It went by really quickly which would lead me to believe I was entertained, and I think I was, despite there not being any Jolie boob in it. Very entertaining, but also very predictable (SPOILER ALERT) - From the beginning I knew that she was going to be on the good team. How did I know this? Because Lee Schreiber was in the movie and that was a red flag for me that he's gonna end up being the bad guy! Might as well have put Eric Roberts in there in terms of obvious bad guys. But either way, I recommend seeing it. (Then again Lee Schreiber kind of does have a penance for being the obvious bad guy who turns out to be not so bad at all - Wolverine, Scream)


When it comes to customer service, I'm starting to wonder if my expectations, and the expectations of society as a whole have become too high. Let's face it, nobody likes to wait anymore, and with online options and fast pay options available for most things, we really don't have to. But when you're put in situations where you do have to wait, your expectations need to be lowered (cue the Lowered Expectations theme from MAD TV circa 1997). A prime example is my "FAVOURITE" place in GFW, Tim Horton's. After the movie last night, myself and Wavey (inside joke) went to Tim's to go to the drive-through so I could get a tea. However after literally not moving in the line up for 5 minutes because the service was so slow I decided to pull out of the lineup and just leave. The tea wasn't worth the wait for me and I was pretty pissed and impatient with their consistent lack of fast service (not to mention the environmental repercussions of idling my car so long), so pissed actually that I'm sort of refusing to go there anymore unless its necessary (not that they will miss my business or anything, but it's a moral issue). However, when I thought about it, perhaps my expectations are just simply too high. I have to remember, and this is not meant to be an insult, but places like Tim Horton's don't exactly have the shining stars of society working at them. It's usually high school kids, high school dropouts, or old-slow people who are working there, so really what is to be expected besides lazy, stupid and slow customer service? And really what other options do you have? No matter what coffee or fast food joint you go to you are going to have a majority of the employees who:

a) Do not want to be there.
b) Are getting paid shit money to do shit jobs.
c) Are un-educated
d) Have no sense of politeness or awkwardness (possibly due to c))

I know not all people in these positions fit these categories, and some are probably working through school and provide great service because they just have good work ethic, however I'm stereotyping here and for the most part it's not an incorrect stereotype.

So should I lower my expectations when lining up for get my tea or burger? Absolutely. Will I? Doubtful. I'm just so used to the fast paced life at this point that it's hard to revert. I won't ever lose my patience and snap at a customer service rep (because I worked at a call centre, so I know how hard it can be), but businesses sure are going to miss out on my money if it doesn't start getting better!

Few Final Notes:
- Bought a Nintendo DS on Friday, should keep my occupied whilest travelling for work.
- Someone definitely banged into the back of my car. I looked yesterday, thought maybe its a lot of dirt, it was. However when I wiped that away my back bumper is scratched to shit, looks like someone did a mild hit and run on me - good thing its not a lease!
- If you aren't currently signed up for e-bills with Newfoundland Power, make sure you do so. Any new e-bill sign ups between now and mid-September get their names put in to win an ipad. However you can't cancel and then sign up again, you won't be eligible if you do.

Afterlife - Bush

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